CIO Roundtable Benelux and Nordics

CIO Roundtable Benelux and Nordics

Our CIO Roundtable Benelux and Nordics brings together leaders from across industries and organisations to network, share their best practices and discuss the current and future challenges and opportunities arising from the latest technology in a private virtual environment.
Thought Leaders
  • Category
    Virtual Roundtable
    Bahadır Şamlı,Bart Delmulle,Christopher Franskin,Francois Mestre,Bastiaan Gerrits,Jimmy Vosler ,Steve Deraedt,Andrea Heekelaar,Michael Kolk,James Harvey,Sara Amini,Philippe Coffyn,Bart Smets
    • Chief Information Officer

CIO Roundtable Benelux and Nordics

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